Workbench 1.3 (Amiga 1000)
Operative System for Amiga 1000 computers, version 1.3, includes kickstart disk
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Amiga Operative System in two floppy disks, Workbench 1.3.3 version 34.34 International English version. Includes Kickstart disk 1.3. This is the most up to date Owrkbench version for use in an original Amiga 1000 computer.
This is an original licensed product from Cloanto Italia srl, copyright holders of Amiga Workbench
Compatible with Amiga 1000 computers.
New DSDD 880 Kb floppy disks, as used on Amiga computers.
The kit include three floppy disks:
Kickstart. You must use this disk first.
System. You must use this disk to boot an Amiga after Kickstart disk.
Extras & BASIC. Includes Microsoft-Amiga BASIC and various programs
The floppy disk color may be different from photo.